
Age 12

Gender Female

School Talibon

Grade 5

Mechel is a sweet young girl who lives with her parents and siblings. She has 2 brothers and 3 sisters. Her father is a laborer, while her mother stays home to care for their children and house chores. Whenever Mechel is at home, she helps her mother make a "broomstick", clean the house, and cook food. Her parents, on the other hand, are budgeting their expenses with the meager income they earn per month. Spending on or buying something beyond their needs is difficult, and they prioritize food more than anything else. They are trying their best to support their children with their education and humbly ask for help or assistance. Last school year, Mechel's teacher admired her for being generous and friendly. Mechel respects others and is obedient to her teacher. She enjoys learning English and is always excited to learn more in school. Her favorite color is pink.