Mary Generous

Age 10

Gender Female

School Talibon

Grade 5

Mary Generous is a sweet and respectful little girl. She has an older brother, and they are both living with their parents. Her father is a fisherman, while her mother works far from the place they live as a housemaid. Her parents, although they earn money, are not able to sustain their daily expenses. Despite this, her parents are trying their best to support their children's education, especially hers. Mary Generous, on the other hand, helps her parents with housework whenever she is at home. She cleans their house and washes the plates. Her teacher at school admires her for being an active participant in class. She also likes her for being friendly and obedient toward them. Mary Generous loves to be with her classmates and is excited to learn more lessons. Her favorite subject is sign language, and her favorite color is pink.