
Age 11

Gender Female

School Loon

Grade 4

Jhannelyn is a friendly young girl who comes from a family of six siblings. She has two brothers and three sisters. An older sister, Arjane is also deaf and is in IDEA's program. Her father is a construction worker, while her mother is a homemaker. Jhannelyn loves to give hugs, and her sweet smile is contagious. She may not yet be well versed with communication, but her gestures would melt any barriers. Her teachers and dorm supervisors are hoping that her enthusiasm will continue as she learns more things in school. She really enjoys her sign language and physical education classes. She loves playing games with her friends, and her favorite color is pink. After the pandemic, Jhannelyn was so happy to be back in school and stay at the dormitory again. She now has plenty of time to mingle with her friends and to speed-up her signing skills. Jhannelyn is such a charm and a joy to have both in school and at dorm.