
Age 17

Gender Female

School Jagna

Grade 5

Jasmine is a sweet and smiling young lady. She belongs to a small family of 5. She has 1 brother and 1 sister, and she is the middle child. Her father drives a motorcycle ferrying people to mountainous areas of the town as his livelihood, and he is called a "Habal-habal driver". Her father's income is not fixed and is not regular. It depends on the number of people who ask for a ride from him. Her mother sells milk tea to help augment her husband's income to meet their daily needs. After the pandemic, Jasmine was delighted to see her teachers, classmates, and dorm mothers. It was her first time staying in the dormitory, and she has adjusted well with the other kids. Jasmine follows dorm chores, and her dorm mother commends her for being responsible. She enjoys her art class in school, and her favorite color is red.