
Age 17

Gender Male

School Maasin

Grade 6

Jariel is a quiet type of boy who lives with his parents and has two sisters. He used to study at a regular school for 4 years but was transferred during his 5th grade by his parents into IDEA's special education design for deaf children. At first, he didn't show any interest in lessons and later it was found out that he had a minimal knowledge in sign language, the reason he couldn't cope with the lessons. He was transferred into a non-graded section to learn first the basic sign language. He quickly showed a lot of improvement in his signs. He can now communicate and exchange in conversation with his friends and classmates. He is now in the 6th grade and enjoys learning math. His father provides for the family working as a farmer and construction worker while his mom helps with farming and tending to the family and home. His favorite color is blue.