Hourald Kieth

Age 18

Gender Male

School Loon

Grade 5

Hourald Kieth or Kieth as he is fondly called, is an energetic young man. He is the oldest among his three brothers (one is a half-brother) and he's the only Deaf in the family. Kieth and his three brothers are all under the parental care of his widowed mother and her new live-in partner because his father died due to high blood pressure. His stepfather supports the family by driving a tricycle. Kieth is enjoying his studies and the company of his deaf friends in the dormitory. He enjoys learning more academic and non-academic subjects. His sign language is good. English is his favorite subject, and his favorite color is red. He loves sports and drawing. Kieth was very happy to be back in school and at the dormitory to be with his deaf friends again after his summer vacation. He also missed his teachers, dorm parents and his dorm life. He welcomes both dorm and school activities as he missed them so much.