
Age 17

Gender Male

School Sagbayan

Grade 2

Floyd is a quiet young man who got a late start in school. He and his family (mother and two sisters) are from Cebu, a neighboring island province of Bohol. Floyd stays in Bohol and seldom goes home, only during long vacations like Christmas and school breaks. His parents enrolled him in a Sped school in Cebu, but he was non-graded for 4 years with only very limited sign language. As Floyd's father is no longer living, his uncle who helps support them searched as to where they could enroll Floyd since they were not satisfied with the school he went to. After finding and learning about IDEA's program for the Deaf, the family did not think twice and sent him to Bohol. Because he was non-graded in his previous school, he was enrolled in kindergarten when he first enrolled in IDEA's Sagbayan elementary school because he didn't have any school records. Floyd is thriving well in school now. He is creative and enjoys art and drawing. His favorite color is red.