Elyn Crystal

Age 15

Gender Female

School Talibon

Grade 5

Elyn Crystal is quite shy but friendly once she gets to know you. She has 2 brothers, 1 sister, and 1 half-sister. They live together at their paternal grandparents' home. Her father is a company driver, while her mother is a housekeeper. Both are earning money, but not enough to sustain their daily needs. Elyn's deafness, however, is hereditary. She inherited it from both sides of her parents. Her deafness does not stop her from going to school to learn and finish school. Last school year, her teacher commented that she was respectful in class, and she always studied in the dorm and participated in the class discussion. Elyn enjoys learning English. She loves being with her deaf friends and learning more in school. She likes to help with cleaning the dorm, and her favorite color is yellow.