Ashley Miles

Age 13

Gender Female

School Bohol Deaf Academy

Grade 7

Ashley has been living with her aunt's family since she was 4 months old. Her mother left her and went to Manila to look for a job but eventually got married. Her mother use to visit her during the summers, but they just do video calling since she has another child now. Ashley enrolled in a regular class from kindergarten to grade 4. Ashley noticed deteriorating hearing; she informed her aunt, but she did not take it seriously. When Ashley reached 4th grade, she couldn't understand her lessons anymore. The teacher advised her aunt to transfer her to Jagna SPED center. It was a big adjustment for Ashley since they live far away from her new school. Ashley was encouraged to stay in the dormitory, but she refused. During Ashley's first week in SPED school, she was struggling to learn sign language, but she was still eager to learn. Ashley is now in 7th grade and has adjusted well. She can communicate well with her classmates, and she also stays in the dormitory. She is a kind and thoughtful young girl who enjoys reading and studying English. Her favorite color is yellow.