
Age 14

Gender Male

School Loon

Grade 6

Angelo is an active, charming and talented young man. He lives with his parents, three brothers and two sisters and is the middle child. Angelo's father works as a construction worker most of the time but if he has extra days, he will spend them doing some farm work. Angelo's mother takes pride in taking care of the children and their home. But now that the youngest child is in school, she is planning to find a job herself to help support the family's growing financial needs. Angelo loves to play basketball and also the games on his cellphone. In school, he enjoys learning more in academics like Math and English and in doing extra-curricular activities. He loves to draw; in fact, he keeps participating in a drawing contest at his school. His favorite color is yellow. Angelo is now excited that he is in Grade 6 because, he wants to study in high school next school year in the city. It is his goal to qualify for Bohol Deaf Academy especially since it has vocational classes and is nearer to his home. Angelo is strongly determined to pass all of his subjects and to learn as much as he can as preparations for his goals in life.