
Age 22

Gender Female

School Talibon

Grade 6

Angelie lives at home with her parents and siblings. She has 3 sisters and 1 brother. She is obedient and kind. Angelie helps her mother with housework when she is at home, such as cleaning their surroundings, washing dishes, and laundering their clothes. Her father is a utility worker for a private company, while her mother is a housewife and takes care of her children and house chores. Her family budgets their meager income per month. They are prioritizing food over other needs. Regardless, her parents are doing their best to support their children's education, especially Angelie's. Last school year, on the other hand, her teacher admired her for being good in class. Her teacher observed that she likes to study and wants to improve her sign language. Angelie is excited to learn and explore new lessons. She enjoys learning English and loves to dance. Her favorite color is pink.