Amiel John

Age 15

Gender Male

School Maasin

Grade 7

Amiel John is a playful young boy who lives with his parents. He has one younger brother, and he is very protective of him. His father used to work as a tailor in Manila, but decided to come home to help his wife take care of their children. Presently, Amiel John's father is working as a fish dealer, while his mother works as a caretaker. Amiel John enjoys learning English subjects and sign language. His favorite sport is playing basketball with his younger brother. His dedication to finish his studies was complimented by his teachers. He consistently has good grades and often helps his classmates who are in distress, especially in solving math problems. Amiel John is also considered a big brother in the dormitory, for he helps new dormers to cope well in various aspects. His favorite color is blue.